Monday, September 27, 2010

Bedbugs, will they start to invest DC's real estate?

I recently got a call from a client who found bedbugs in the Kalorama condo that she is renting. She wanted to know if I had previous experience with bedbugs and if I thought she could ask her landlord to pay for the extermination. DC hasn't had the problem with bedbugs that New York has had, I had only heard of a few issues here and there. My take on it is that renters could probably get the landlord to pay if it's a whole building issue; but with bedbugs, it's so hard to track how they got in the apartment. New York Magazine ran this article about bedbugs being a silent epidemic on the Upper East Side where coop boards deny deny deny and exterminators show up in unmarked vans. The article got me thinking about the real estate implications of bedbugs in condo and coop buildings. I have a feeling people would start using their 3 day walk-away option with the condo docs if they saw mentions of bedbug infestations, even if the bugs are long gone. However, if the condo boards leave that out of the budget or out of meeting notes, could that be considered fraud? I have a feeling that if bedbugs become more pervasive in Washington that these questions of disclosure and properties being stigmatized due to bedbugs will become an issue.

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